UPCOMING | FEBRUARY 27, 2025 - MARCH 30, 2025


TERRA GRAFICA – An exhibition of Lithuanian and global graphic artists, showcasing various types of graphic arts – linocut, lithography, woodcut, etching, silkscreen, and more.


PAST | JANUARY 5, 2025 - FEBRUARY 16, 2025


ASSOCIO – an exhibition of luminous paintings by the young Lithuanian artist Paulina Simutytė.

Since 2015, the artist has been experimenting with two-tone paints – yellow and blue. By introducing a third element – rays of light – into the dialogue between yellow and blue, fire and water, the ASSOCIO paintings come to life: colors begin to blend, and the canvases transform into abstract, shimmering worlds, opening wider doors to the subconscious.


PAST | NOVEMBER 28, 2024 - JANUARY 5, 2025


An abstract art exhibition showcasing the works of Kęstutis Zapkus, Kazė Zimblytė, Pranas Lapė, Elena Urbaitis, Adomas Galdikas, Dalia Kasčiūnaitė, Pranas Gailius, Saulė Kisarauskaitė, Henrikas Šalkauskas, Eva Kubbos, and others.

Eyes follow
Notes of brushstrokes,
Scores of surfaces –
Replies the soul.

"It [abstract art] should be enjoyed just as music is enjoyed – after a while you may like it or you may not.“ - Jackson Pollock


PAST | OCTOBER 3, 2024 - NOVEMBER 3, 2024


Alpha Odh (Kenya)

Obou Gbais (Ivory Coast)

William Bakaïmo (Cameroon)

Pabi Daniel (Ghana)


PAST | AUGUST 29, 2024 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2024


Starting from August 29, the TUMO Gallery will host an exhibition of graphic and painting works by Henrikas Šalkauskas (1925–1979), an artist of Lithuanian origin who gained recognition in Australia. Having begun his artistic journey and left a significant mark in the field of graphics, from 1959 H. Šalkauskas delved into watercolor painting, striving to reach the essence of things—discarding all that is unnecessary. By refining and synthesizing motifs from the visible world into abstract forms, and almost always choosing a monochromatic color palette, he seemingly captures the essence of images, their energetic core.
The exhibition will be open until September 29, 2024.


PAST | JUNE 21, 2024 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2024


On June 21, the contemporary art exhibition NOW WHAT? will open its doors at the cultural space "Kablys + Jūra." The exhibition features works that have arrived in Palanga from the USA, China, England, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and Ivory Coast.




PAST | MARCH 1, 2024 - MAY 31, 2024


Aboudia (Ivory Coast), Esther Mahlangu (South Africa), Erik Bergrin (USA), Josph Adibleku (Ghana), Obou Gbais (Ivory Coast), Alpha Odh (Kenya), Antoni Tàpies (Spain), Anton Smit (South Africa), Adomas Galdikas, Theo Tobiasse, Pranas Domšaitis, Leonardas Tuleikis, Stasys Eidrigevičius, Arbit Blatas (Lithuania / France / USA), Juozas Bagdonas (Lithuania / USA), William Bakaïmo (Cameroon), Daniel Bamigbade (Benin), Carter (USA), Vytautas Ignas (Lithuania / USA), Vytautas Kasiulis  (Lithuania / France), Juozas Kėdainis  (Lithuania) Viktoras Petravičius (Lithuania / USA).


PAST | November 8, 2023 - December 2, 2023

TOTEMS. William Bakaïmo | Adelė Liepa Kaunaitė

In the exhibition TOTEMS. William Bakaïmo | Adelė Liepa Kaunaitė, we embark on a journey into the world of mystical experiences and imagery. This exhibition presents artists who come from two different cultural backgrounds, yet we discover a common theme in their work – totemic beings and objects that serve as key symbols to unlock the depths of the human subconscious. William Bakaïmo participated in the Tumo gallery creative residency in Vilnius, Lithuania from 25th of October to 8th of November. The artworks created during the residency were also exhibited at TOTEMAI exhibition.


PAST | October 3, 2023 - October 21, 2023

ALPHA ODH Solo Exhibition

Alpha Odh debuted his solo exhibition of works from 2022-2023. The exhibition marked the inauguration of the TUMO 's new space dedicated to contemporary African art. Each work of art by Alpha Odh is a “discursive instruction for the imagination or creation of the artwork” – a sketch, reference, geometric form, or line that takes shape only when empty spaces are filled, when lines are extended through the viewer’s imagination, accumulated experiences, and memories. In the series of small-format artworks titled “Figures of Speech,” the artist quotes everyday moments in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya where he lives, as if a camera captures details, close-ups, and panoramas of people and objects that, in the artist’s opinion, do not receive enough attention.


PAST | June 1, 2023 - July 15, 2023

Painting Exhibition by PRANAS DOMŠAITIS

PAST | June 24, 2023 - September 1, 2023

Contemporary African Art x KABLYS+JŪRA


PAST | March 9, 2023 - April 29, 2023

Modern Lithuanian Art from the ARS movement

In 1932, the Lithuanian artists' group ARS was founded in Kaunas, along with the publication of its manifesto. The goal of its initiators (A. Gudaitis, J. Mikėnas, A. Samuolis, V. Vizgirda) was to gather the strongest forces of Lithuanian modern art and actively establish its positions. The Arsininkai aimed to create a distinctive Lithuanian art style, based on the achievements of early 20th-century modern art and creatively developed folk art traditions. The work of the Arsininkai became the beginning of the renewal of Lithuanian art in the 20th century and the basis for its further development. The exhibition showcased the works of ARS founders Antanas Gudaitis and Viktoras Vizgirda, along with their associates A. Galdikas, V.K. Jonynas, as well as followers and students such as A. Martinaičius, R.P. Vaitiekūnas, H. Natalevičius, V. Ignas, S. Džiaukštas, L. Surgailis, V. Petravičius, and V. Dombrovskis.


PAST | January 20, 2023 - March 5, 2023


The group exhibition FACE TO FACE is an invitation to meet contemporary painters from Africa and South America face to face, to take a closer look at the faces portrayed by the artists, to recognize the cultural references, visions, and worldview hidden within them. The FACE is the richest nonverbal communication tool by which people are most often recognized and identified. That is why in many cultures around the world, faces have been modified in one way or another for centuries, used as a canvas for expression. Masks, paints, and scarification - these are means to convey social status or rank, cultural identity, belonging to a specific group or community, or, conversely, to mask identity. In the Tumo Gallery exhibition FACE TO FACE, nine different artists present nine different visions of the human face and nine models of contemporary societal perception.


PAST | February 2, 2023 - February 26, 2023


The works of eight contemporary African artists presented in the exhibition "Mediators" become documentation of a continent contemplating itself, a bridge between the past and the present. The paintings and sculptures on display are a synthesis of rich cultural heritage, reflections of the continent's history, and a compelling modern perspective. Artists interpret the essence of the continent, its experience of cultural and economic transformation, and explore human emotional states. By delineating the boundaries of their own identity and engaging in intercultural dialogue, they boldly step beyond their own borders, encouraging reflection on prevailing myths about the African continent.


PAST | September 8, 2022 - October 2, 2022

VISIONARIES OF ART: K. Zimblytė x M. Gediminas

KAZĖ ZIMBLYTĖ (1933-1999). An artist of pure modern thinking, unequivocally one of the most interesting Lithuanian artists of the last 50 years. Zimblytė constructs space, it seems to be the main thing in her paintings. In her works, the artist constructs space connecting space with light and simple materials like canvas, cardboard, paper or nitro-enamel paint...
MARTYNAS GEDIMINAS (b. 1974). Martynas Gediminas’ abstract compositions are created in layers – the artist uses acrylic paint, foil, graphics, and collages. The overlapping textures of the paintings are distinguished by their rhythmicity, the work is transferred from a two-dimensional plane to space by the light reflected from the surface. Each layer of Martynas’ work captures different emotions, which cover each other, intertwine, dominate, or are suppressed. Martynas is not afraid to ruin the painting, he thinks and speaks in colors and layers, allowing the picture to expand itself. Later, this process continues in the consciousness of the spectator.


PAST | May 10, 2022 - October 10, 2022


For the first time in the Baltic countries, contemporary African art is being presented. On May 10, 2022, an exhibition titled "Contemporary African Art: Dreams and Realities of Identity" will open at the Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum. Representing six countries – the Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and the Republic of South Africa – 15 authors address contemporary issues of identity and migration, racism and tolerance, peace and war in the world. They combat widespread stereotypes about the "uncivilized" continent, change the classical Western perspective, and create a new narrative about Africa. In three thematic halls, 30 artworks from the collections of Justina Gižaitė, Martynas Tinfavičius, Tumo Gallery, and the Ghanaian Institute of Arts will be exhibited.


PAST | June 25, 2022 - July 31, 2022


SUMMER HEAT presents world-renowned Lithuanian artists such as Jonas Rimša, Pranas Domšaitis, Arbit Blatas, Theo Tobiasse, Vytautas Kasiulis, and others. The exhibition invites visitors on a visual journey through the artists' experiences, with memories reborn in African landscapes, ancient Indian and Spanish cultures, and eternally frozen villages and towns, seen through the eyes of perpetual travelers.


PAST | May 5, 2022 - June 17, 2022


Artists: Romas Viesulas, Pranas Lapė, Elena Urbaitis, Pranas Gailius, Adomas Galdikas, Kazimieras Žoromskis, Kęstutis Zapkus, Juozas Bagdonas, Eugenijus Budrys, Telesforas Valius, Leonas Urbonas, Viktoras Vizgirda, Adolfas Vaičaitis, Viktoras Petravičius, Henry Šalkauskas, Telesforas Valius, Albinas Elskus, and others.

COBOK (1940-1990, LSSR)

PAST | February 18, 2022 - March 28, 2022


Exhibition of Works Created During the Occupation Years in Lithuania, 1940-1990.


PAST | January 4, 2022 - February 13, 2022

RHYTHMS OF SOUTH AMERICA – paintings by Jonas Rimša

PAST | November 6, 2021 - December 24, 2021

Exhibition of Lithuanian Jewish Painting and Sculpture "Return of the World Wanderers"

Artists: Jacques Lipchitz (1891-1973), Theo Tobiasse (1927-2012), Samuel Bak (b. 1933), Jose Gurvich (1927 - 1974), Emmanuel MANE-KATZ (1894-1962), Neemija Arbit Blatas (1908-1999), Pinchas Kremegne (1890-1981), Moshe Rosenthalis (1922-2008), Michel Kikoine (1892-1968), Pinchus Abramovich (1909-1986), Samuel Tepler (1918-1998).

PAST | October 14, 2021 - October 31, 2021

Exhibition of Works by Vytautas Kasiulis (1918-1995)