Collection: ALPHA ODH Solo Exhibition

One of the most prominent representatives of the young generation in the Kenyan art scene, painter, photographer, and textile artist Alpha Odh (full name – Alphonce Odhiambo), has been creating since the age of seven, independently learning and exploring the world. In 2014, Alpha Odh's work was recognized by art researchers and showcased at the National Museum of Kenya. Alpha was born and raised in the dynamic and bustling Kibera district of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Although he later moved away, life in this largest slum in Africa still influences his work: "Kibera is a very interesting place, especially for someone like me. I lived among people who only eat once a day, and among people who can spend a thousand dollars on a single meal. I think I learned a lot from that place..."

From October 1 to 15, Alpha Odh will participate in the creative residency program at Tumo Gallery and will present painting works created in 2022 and 2023 at the upcoming exhibition.

Admission is free: October 3-15, Tue-Sat 14:00 - 19:00.